Weather on the Island La Palma
Excerpt from the German book "Wetter auf der Insel La Palma" and local weather phenomena

The weather pattern, where sand from the Sahara is reaching the Canary islands, is named Calima . This phenomena is not bindet to a wind direction. There are many possibilities: the sand is being blown over the Ocean in direction to Madeira and then reaching the Canary archipelago from northern directions. Or as shown in the satellite picture below: as a result of a low pressure system close to the Canary islands (indicated as T) from a western direction.
Normally Calima comes together with an eastern or south eastern wind and brings in addition to low visibility as well milky sunsets and warm and very dry air in the higher regions. Being 500 km away from the coast to Africa, Calima on la Palma is often milder as on the other islands.

Calima and Levante are often mix-up. As said: Calima is the phenomena with sand, whereas Levante is a warm easterly wind. Calima often is paired with Levante.

View to the Cumbrecita from Montaña Quemada. Light Calima hazzy visilibity. July 2017

La Palma, also named La Isla Bonita or Isla Verde is worth visiting during the whole year! ist  © Roger P. Frey.
Contact  roger.frey (at)

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